Thursday, May 10, 2012

Chair back into picture frame (or mirror, or cork board, or dry erase board, or…)

We've been inspired!

As a furniture and home accessories consignment store, we want our customers to feel inspired every time they come in, without having to spend an arm and a leg on redecorating.

Today, we’ve come across a repurposing idea (thanks to SO great, thrifty, and inexpensive, we just couldn't keep it to ourselves!

You will need:
- An old chair
- A saw
- A razor blade
- A can of spray paint
- Some elbow grease
- A husband (optional)

Step One: Go up to your attic and dust off that 3-legged chair you just haven’t been able to part with for one reason or another (Don’t have one of those lying around? We’ve got lots of super inexpensive chairs here at Divine!)

Step Two: Get to work sawing off the top of the chair, scraping, sanding, or sawing off whatever is inside (i.e. basket weave, etc.) sanding the edges, and spray painting it to your color of choice.

Step Three: Ta da! Look at what you’ve created! We’re so proud of you….now use that creative mind of yours to decide what to put inside of it!

Pictures...or a mirror...or a chalk/cork/dry erase board...or...

Let us know how yours turned out!

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